Results for 'Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina'

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  1.  15
    Natural law and the law of nations in Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Italy.Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina & Gabriella Silvestrini (eds.) - 2024 - Boston: Brill/Nijhoff.
    This volume sheds new light on modern theories of natural law through the lens of the fragmented political contexts of Italy in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and the dramatic changes of the times. From the age of reforms, through revolution and the 'Risorgimento', the unification movement which ended with the creation of the unified Kingdom of Italy in 1861, we see a move from natural law and the law of nations to international law, whose teaching was introduced in Italian (...)
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  2. The teaching of natural law and universal public law at the University of Pavia in the late Eighteenth Century.Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina - 2024 - In Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina & Gabriella Silvestrini, Natural law and the law of nations in Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Italy. Boston: Brill/Nijhoff.
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    Universalising colonial law principles on land law and land registration: the role of the Institut Colonial International(1894).Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (2):395-410.
    In 1894, the Institut Colonial International was founded in Brussels, with the aim to engage and promote transnational exchanges between jurists, scholars, politicians, colonial administrators and experts, comparing different colonial experiences. As the Institut Colonial International’s founders had hoped, its publications promoted legal debates, discussions and the prospects of specific legislation, decrees or norms to be adapted and used in entirely different colonial systems. This paper will show that the Institut Colonial International encouraged the exchange of ideas about the various (...)
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  4. An epistemology of noise.Cécile Malaspina - 2018 - London: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Ray Brassier.
    This book presents a philosophical analysis of the rising interest in the notion of 'noise'. The term 'noise' no longer pertains only to aesthetic judgement, for instance of acoustic or visual 'noise', but also to domains as varied as communication theory, physics and biology. This book investigates if there can be a coherent understanding of 'noise' that is effectively shared among the natural-and human sciences, technology and the arts, revealing 'noise' to be a properly philosophical problem. Drawing the philosophical consequences (...)
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    Abelardo ed Eloisa.Claudio Fiocchi - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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    Giornate di studio per i dottorandi del XVII ciclo.Claudio Fiocchi, Ines Saltalamacchia & Laura Scarpat - 2003 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1.
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    I Beni Di Questo Mondo: Teorie etico-economiche ne laboratorio dell 'Europa medievale'.Claudio Fiocchi - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4.
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    L'ordine cristiano dei laici.Claudio Fiocchi - 2009 - Doctor Virtualis 9:45-65.
    Quando si usa il termine laico, occorre sempre rispondere ad alcune domande implicite: laico rispetto a chi? Quando? Un percorso tra le varie classificazioni che si possono trovare nei testi medievali. Nella convinzione che la struttura stessa della classificazione sia importante, l'articolo procede sulla base di un criterio quantitativo, facendo riferimento al numero di classi o generi identificati, a partire dalla divisione più semplice. Una passaggio dal semplice al complesso alla luce della centralità del binomio concettuale di unità-differenza.When we use (...)
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    La presenza dell'aristotelismo padovano nella filosofia della prima modernità.Claudio Fiocchi & Stefano Simonetta - 2001 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    Maimonide e il suo tempo.Claudio Fiocchi - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    Problemi di traduzione della Politica di Aristotele Il caso della traduzione in francese di Nicole Oresme.Claudio Fiocchi - 2007 - Doctor Virtualis 7:221-236.
    Necessità pratiche e riflessioni teoriche accompagnano il lavoro di Oresme, nella consapevolezza che la traduzione delle grandi opere è uno strumento fondamentale per la grandezza di un popolo.
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    Profezia, filosofia e razionalità del mondo in Ildegarda di Bingen.Claudio Fiocchi - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1.
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  13. Prophecy, philosophy and rationality of the world in Hildegard of Bingen.C. Fiocchi - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 61 (1):93-107.
  14. Report on the seminar for doctoral candidates held at the Palazzo Feltrinelli, October 10-12, 2002.C. Fiocchi, I. Saltalamacchia & L. Scarpat - 2003 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 58 (1):151-157.
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    Sentimento del tempo e periodizzazione della storia del medioevo.Claudio Fiocchi - 2000 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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    Una teoria della resistenza: Jean Petit e la Justification du Duc de Bourgogne.Claudio Fiocchi - 2000 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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  17. L’introduzione di materia nel vocabolario retorico e filosofico a Roma: Cicerone e Lucrezio.Ermanno Malaspina - 1991 - Atti Accademia Delle Scienze di Torino 1 (125):41-64.
    Con il presente lavoro l'A. si propone di dimostrare che l'introduzione nel lessico tecnico latino di materia, come traduzione di hyle, è antecedente al De inventione ciceroniano e al De rerum natura di Lucrezio, i primi testi a presentare questa innovazione nei campi rispettivamente della retorica e della filosofia. Dall'esame dei passi più significativi delle due opere, tra quelli in cui compare materia, e da considerazioni esterne ai testi stessi, si ricava, a giudizio dell'A., che il termine venne utilizzato come (...)
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  18. Simondon et les oiseaux de l’Apocalypse.Cécile Malaspina - 2022 - Rue Descartes 101 (1):67-83. Translated by Louis Morelle.
    « La tradition a longtemps considéré l’homme comme une exception au sein de la nature, lui concédant le pouvoir de la dominer et le droit de l’exploiter à son avantage. Aujourd’hui, à l’inverse, l’homme n’occupe plus tant le sommet de l’ordre de la création que l’épicentre d’une catastrophe en cours. Une nouvelle innocence semble requise pour habiter plus harmonieusement la nature. Seulement, nous rencontrons ici un paradoxe, car c’est aussi l’ingénuité technique qui est chargée de surmonter la crise écologique. Dans (...)
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    (1 other version)From the Mental State of Noise to the New Frontiers of Cognition.Cécile Malaspina - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (3):4-15.
    Few notions are more central than noise to the transformation of modern life. Noise has become synonymous with the complexity of our world and its global digitised information networks, for as the...
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    « Noise ». Leçons d’un empirisme sonore déchaîné.Cécile Malaspina - 2023 - Rue Descartes 102 (2):1-10.
    « Dans la première préface à la Critique de la raison pure Kant se réfère aux Métamorphoses d’Ovide pour comparer une métaphysique hors bornes à la reine Hécube. Or, ce qui semble être tu dans cette métaphore, c’est qu’Ovide fait culminer la douleur d’Hécube dans sa métamorphose en chienne enragée. Le cliché de la reine des sciences est ainsi poussée à son paroxysme : la métaphysique sauvage serait une chienne enragée! Cet article revient, par le biais de l’œuvre sonore de (...)
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    Entretien avec le philosophe et artiste Mattin.Cécile Malaspina & Sabine Thuillier - 2023 - Rue Descartes 102 (2):91-114.
    « Dans la première préface à la Critique de la raison pure Kant se réfère aux Métamorphoses d’Ovide pour comparer une métaphysique hors bornes à la reine Hécube. Or, ce qui semble être tu dans cette métaphore, c’est qu’Ovide fait culminer la douleur d’Hécube dans sa métamorphose en chienne enragée. Le cliché de la reine des sciences est ainsi poussée à son paroxysme : la métaphysique sauvage serait une chienne enragée! Cet article revient, par le biais de l’œuvre sonore de (...)
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    Il cenobitismo missionario di Agostino di Canterbury e la Peregrinatio dei monaci celtici.Elena Malaspina - 1999 - Augustinianum 39 (2):467-504.
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  23. Report on the conference on the presence of Paduan Aristotelianism in philosophy of the early modern period (Padua, September 4-6, 2000). [REVIEW]C. Fiocchi & S. Simonetta - 2001 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 56 (2):313-317.
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  24. Report on the October 10-12, 1999 conference held in Todi, Italy on the sense of time and periodization in medieval history. [REVIEW]C. Fiocchi - 2000 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 55 (3):521-527.
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  25. Lectures plurielles du «De ira» de Sénèque: Interprétations, contextes, enjeux.Valéry Laurand, Ermanno Malaspina & François Prost (eds.) - 2021 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    The aim of the book is to encourage discussion among experts on De ira, a text of philosophical nature, by reading it page by page, from a philosophical, philological, and literary perspective (a multidisciplinary choice which is the conditio sine qua non of all judicious research on Seneca). Moreover, the way in which each of these close readings is conducted adds an additional value: they each deal with a section of the text, presenting all the data necessary for its understanding. (...)
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  26.  29
    Young Foucault: The Lille Manuscripts on Psychopathology, Phenomenology, and Anthropology, 1952–1955.Elisabetta Basso - 2022 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    In the 1950s, long before his ascent to international renown, Michel Foucault published a scant few works. His early writings on psychology, psychopathology, and anthropology have been dismissed as immature. However, recently discovered manuscripts from the mid-1950s, when Foucault was a lecturer at the University of Lille, testify to the significance of the work that the philosopher produced in the years leading up to the “archaeological” project he launched with History of Madness. Elisabetta Basso offers a groundbreaking and in-depth (...)
  27.  27
    Socio-Genomics and Structural Competency.Dalton Conley & Dolores Malaspina - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (2):193-202.
    Adverse developmental exposures and pathologies of the social environment make vastly greater contributions to the leading health burdens in society than currently known genotypic information. Yet, while patients now commonly bring information on single alleles to the attention of their healthcare team, the former conditions are only rarely considered with respect to future health outcomes. This manuscript aims to integrate social environmental influences in genetic predictive models of disease risk. Healthcare providers must be educated to better understand genetic risks for (...)
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    Paolo Siniscalco, Il senso della storia. Studi sulla storiografia cristiana antica. [REVIEW]Elena Malaspina - 2005 - Augustinianum 45 (2):590-592.
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  29. No ground to bridge the gap.Elisabetta Sassarini - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):7981–7999.
    This paper examines an argument by Schaffer (2017) that aims to prove how, contrary to what many philosophers hold, there is no special explanatory gap occurring in the connection between the physical and the phenomenal. This is because a gap of the same kind can be found in every connection between a more fundamental and a less fundamental level of reality. These gaps lurk everywhere in nature. For Schaffer, they can be bridged by means of substantive metaphysical principles such as (...)
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    Advancing neuroscience on the 21st century world stage: The need for - and structure of - an internationally-relevant neuroethics.Elisabetta Lanzilao, John R. Shook, Roland Benedikter & James Giordano - forthcoming - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine.
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  31. Conceptual Engineering of Medical Concepts.Elisabetta Lalumera - forthcoming - In Manuel Gustavo Isaac, Kevin Scharp & Steffen Koch, New Perspectives on Conceptual Engineering. Synthese Library.
    There is a lot of conceptual engineering going on in medical research. I substantiate this claim with two examples, the medical debate about cancer classification and about obesity as a disease I also argue that the proper target of conceptual engineering in medical research are experts’ conceptions. These are explicitly written down in documents and guidelines, and they bear on research and policies. In the second part of the chapter, I propose an externalist framework in which conceptions have both the (...)
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  32. Reliability of molecular imaging diagnostics.Elisabetta Lalumera, Stefano Fanti & Giovanni Boniolo - 2021 - Synthese (S23):5701-5717.
    Advanced medical imaging, such as CT, fMRI and PET, has undergone enormous progress in recent years, both in accuracy and utilization. Such techniques often bring with them an illusion of immediacy, the idea that the body and its diseases can be directly inspected. In this paper we target this illusion and address the issue of the reliability of advanced imaging tests as knowledge procedures, taking positron emission tomography in oncology as paradigmatic case study. After individuating a suitable notion of reliability, (...)
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    An overview on trust and trustworthiness: individual and institutional dimensions.Elisabetta Lalumera - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (1):1-17.
    Philosophical Psychology is dedicating this issue on trust and trustworthiness to Katherine Hawley (1971–2021) for two reasons. First, she was an expert in the area. Hawley was one of the most rele...
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    Something in the way people move: the benefit of facial movements in face identification.Andrea Albonico, Manuela Malaspina & Roberta Daini - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Seneca.Jula Wildberger & Ermanno Malaspina - 2015 - Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy.
    Bibliography focusing on L. Annaeus Seneca as a philosopher. Sorry about the image, which, of course, doesn't depict Seneca. We didn't select it.
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  36. On the explanatory value of the concept conception distinction.Elisabetta Lalumera - 2014 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio 8 (2):73-81.
    The distinction between concept and conception has been widely debated in political philosophy, whereas in the philosophy of psychology is frequently used, but rarely focused on. This paper aims at filling in this lacuna. I claim that far from being explanatorily idle, the distinction makes it possible to provide an adequate description of phenomena such as genuine disagreement, and concept contestation, which would otherwise remain implausibly puzzling. I illustrate and assess three accounts of the concept-conception distinction. Finally I propose a (...)
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    Emotion Knowledge, Theory of Mind, and Language in Young Children: Testing a Comprehensive Conceptual Model.Elisabetta Conte, Veronica Ornaghi, Ilaria Grazzani, Alessandro Pepe & Valeria Cavioni - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:475477.
    Numerous studies suggest that both emotion knowledge and language abilities are powerfully related to young children’s theory of mind. Nonetheless, the magnitude and direction of the associations between language, emotion knowledge, and theory-of-mind performance in the first years of life are still debated. Hence, the aim of this study was to assess the direct effects of emotion knowledge and language on theory-of-mind scores in 2- and 3-year-old children. A sample of 139 children, aged between 24 and 47 months ( M (...)
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  38. Concepts are a functional kind. Comment on Machery's Doing Without Concepts.Elisabetta Lalumera - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):217-18.
    This commentary focuses on Machery's eliminativist claim, that ought to be eliminated from the theoretical vocabulary of psychology because it fails to denote a natural kind. I argue for the more traditional view that concepts are a functional kind, which provides the simplest account of the empirical evidence discussed by Machery.
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  39. On Historicity and Transcendentality Again. Foucault’s Trajectory from Existential Psychiatry to Historical Epistemology.Elisabetta Basso - 2012 - Foucault Studies 14:154-178.
    In this paper I focus on the emergence of the concept of the “historical a priori” at the origin of Foucault’s archeology. I emphasize the methodological function of this concept within Foucault’s archaeology, and I maintain that despite the different thesis it entails as compared to its philosophical sources, it pertains to one of the main issues of phenomenology, that is, the problematization of the relation between reality as it appears in its historicity, and transcendentality. I start from the interest (...)
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    Moralisation of medicines: The case of hydroxychloroquine.Elisabetta Lalumera - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (3):1-19.
    The concept of moralisation of health behaviours was introduced in social psychology to describe the attribution of moral properties to habits and conditions like smoking or being a vegetarian. Moral properties are powerful motivators for people and institutions, as they may trigger blame, stigma, and appraisal, as well as the polarisation of interest and scientific hype. Here I extend the concept and illustrate how medicines and treatments can be seen as if they had moral properties, too, when they come to (...)
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    The relationship between metaphor skills and Theory of Mind in middle childhood: Task and developmental effects.Elisabetta Tonini, Luca Bischetti, Paola Del Sette, Eleonora Tosi, Serena Lecce & Valentina Bambini - 2023 - Cognition 238 (C):105504.
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  42. Saving the DSM-5? Descriptive conceptions and theoretical concepts of mental disorders.Elisabetta Lalumera - 2016 - Medicina E Storia 9.
    At present, psychiatric disorders are characterized descriptively, as the standard within the scientific community for communication and, to a certain extent, for diagnosis, is the DSM, now at its fifth edition. The main reasons for descriptivism are the aim of achieving reliability of diagnosis and improving communication in a situation of theoretical disagreement, and the Ignorance argument, which starts with acknowledgment of the relative failure of the project of finding biomarkers for most mental disorders. Descriptivism has also the advantage of (...)
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    Foucault’s Critique of the Human Sciences in the 1950s: Between Psychology and Philosophy.Elisabetta Basso - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (1-2):71-90.
    This paper is based on the archives of Michel Foucault collected (since 2013) at the manuscripts department of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris. Our investigation focuses in particular on the documents of the 1950s, in order to study the role of the reflection on anthropology and phenomenology at the beginning of Foucault’s philosophical path. This archival material allows us to discover the tremendous work that is at the basis of the relatively few works that Foucault published in the 1950s. (...)
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    The Impact of School Climate on Well-Being Experience and School Engagement: A Study With High-School Students.Elisabetta Lombardi, Daniela Traficante, Roberta Bettoni, Ilaria Offredi, Marisa Giorgetti & Mirta Vernice - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:482084.
    The aim of this work is to investigate the factors promoting students’ engagement at school and supporting their well-being experience. According to the Positive Education there is a strong relationship between school environment and student’s well-being. Moreover, the quality of the school climate perceived by the students was found to influence engagement in school activities, as well. In this study, 153 students ( M = 67) attending 10th grade were presented with tests and questionnaires to assess individual assets (personality traits, (...)
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  45. Trust in health care and vaccine hesitancy.Elisabetta Lalumera - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 68:105-122.
    Health care systems can positively influence our personal decision-making and health-related behavior only if we trust them. I propose a conceptual analysis of the trust relation between the public and a healthcare system, drawing from healthcare studies and philosophical proposals. In my account, the trust relation is based on an epistemic component, epistemic authority, and on a value component, the benevolence of the healthcare system. I argue that it is also modified by the vulnerability of the public on healthcare matters, (...)
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  46. From the Problem of the Nature of Psychosis to the Phenomenological Reform of Psychiatry. Historical and Epistemological Remarks on Ludwig Binswanger’s Psychiatric Project.Elisabetta Basso - 2012 - Medicine Studies 3 (4):215-232.
    This paper focuses on one of the original moments of the development of the “phenomenological” current of psychiatry, namely, the psychopathological research of Ludwig Binswanger. By means of the clinical and conceptual problem of schizophrenia as it was conceived and developed at the beginning of the twentieth century, I will try to outline and analyze Binswanger’s perspective from a both historical and epistemological point of view. Binswanger’s own way means of approaching and conceiving schizophrenia within the scientific, medical, and psychiatric (...)
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    Philosophy of Advanced medical Imaging.Elisabetta Lalumera & Stefano Fanti - 2021 - Springer International.
    This is the first book to explore the epistemology and ethics of advanced imaging tests, in order to improve the critical understanding of the nature of knowledge they provide and the practical consequences of their utilization in healthcare. Advanced medical imaging tests, such as PET and MRI, have gained center stage in medical research and in patients’ care. They also increasingly raise questions that pertain to philosophy: What is required to be an expert in reading images? How are standards for (...)
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  48. Randomized Controlled Trials for Diagnostic Imaging: Conceptual and Pratical Problems.Elisabetta Lalumera & Stefano Fanti - 2019 - Topoi 38 (2):395-400.
    We raise a problem of applicability of RCTs to validate nuclear diagnostic imaging tests. In spite of the wide application of PET and other similar techniques that use radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic purposes, RCT-based evidence on their validity is sparse. We claim that this is due to a general conceptual problem that we call Prevalence of Treatment, which arises in connection with designing RCTs for testing any diagnostic procedure in the present context of medical research, and is particularly apparent in this (...)
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    Forelimb preferences in human beings and other species: multiple models for testing hypotheses on lateralization.Elisabetta Versace - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Acting and understanding: Tool use revisited through the minds of capuchin monkeys.Elisabetta Visalberghi & Luca Limongelli - 1996 - In A. Russon, Kim A. Bard & S. Parkers, Reaching Into Thought: The Minds of the Great Apes. Cambridge University Press. pp. 57--79.
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